Look: Light brown, tea colored body with minimal white head.
Taste: Equal malt and hops with a respectable bite
Conclusion: This brew was so named after the bike trip the founder took through all the breweries in Belgium. This is a favorite, around my house, in the summertime. It tastes really malty, almost like it came out of the bread maker. Very bready and wholesome but not heavy in the least. Makes it really easy to tip back a few of these(and their low alcohol content...I believe it was under 5% or right there).
Being a mountain biker I've noticed this is the default brew for a lot of bike riders, mostly because of the cycle-friendly label/name. Then again it's a damn good every day brew both for it's drinkability and it's great flavor. This great ale takes the good traits from Belgians but leaves out that gut wrenching sweetness. Enjoy to your heart's content...this one will hook you in over time.
6 Brews!
This is my favorite, and what converted me from strictly wine to ale a few years back. Glad it ranked respectably on your blog... And what a blog it is! Nice.
Hey, thanks JP! Glad to have you on the site. If you have any other beers you're partial to, feel free to chime in with recommendations.
Also if you like Fat Tire and haven't tried New Belgiums other brews, I recommend 2 below(if you can find it). Should be right up your alley.
Cheers for beers!
Man, this is some skunky beer! I still dont see the appeal of this particular brew. It tastes old and moldy. I've had this discussion with a few friends, and I seem to be in the minority here. 6 out of 10 seems generous to me. Im thinking 4-ish... Again, Im in the minority. Feel free to disagree.
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