Sunday, February 24, 2008

Anchor Liberty

Look: like amber held up to the sun, with minimal white head

Taste: Nice sharp, bitter initial taste with hoppy, floral undertones

Conclusion: This beer was really good. I am familiar with the Anchor beer line, but I had not tasted this one. Like the other Anchor's I've tasted, it did not let me down. It had a nice bite to it and a welcome lingering bitterness that nestled on your tongue like a puppy on your lap. It tasted slightly aged, but not in a bad 'aged milk' way. This was a good aged like they let the beer sit in the cooler for a while so the beer can get as much out of the hops and barley as it could.
I liked this one for a nice warm spring day…

A 7 out of 10

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