Monday, February 25, 2008

Humboldt Brewing Company, Hemp Ale

Look: Dark brown with red highlights. No head

Taste: Slight sweetness, flat and grainy flavor and tiny bit of bitterness

Conclusion: This brew is actually made with hemp seeds. Easy you right-wing wackjobs...there's no THC in this brew.

It drinks with a medium body, like a brown ale, but has a unique taste that I had a hard time putting my finger on. It was similar to a malt flavor but had a more spiced up taste to it. You get a decent sweetness that comes through pleasantly and dies off just before the slightly bitter finish. This is a great day-to-day brew and can be consumed in the twos and threes.

I suppose the tree huggers will turn the bottle into a bong, but that only adds value to it. A solid and unique brew...and I really like it.

7 Brews!

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