Monday, November 5, 2007


Look: Reminds me of a pint full of rays of sun with a frothy white head.

Taste: Sharp as a skinning knife! This beer is hopy, hopy, hopy!! Holy Herbert is there hops in this thing! This beer cuts you deep and leaves you begging for more.

Conclusion: This beer is one of my all time favorites. It is currently in my top three, and I don’t see it being dethroned any time soon. This beer is the sole reason I became a hop head! It has changed my pallet and my life forever.
If you are a hop head, you can thank me later, if you are not, proceed with caution…
Ruination will blitz your taste buds and sack your tongue. There is no stopping this juggernaut. After a drink or two, everything else that enters your mouth will be bland and tasteless. The item’s flavor will wilt like a rose in the desert. It will stand no chance of survival. The 100+ IBUs will not surrender your taste buds easily.
I really cant stop singing the praises of this beer. This beer is “a liquid poem to the glory of the hop” written in the styling of Charles Bukowski. It is good on so many levels, and it completely changed my perception of what a beer should be. This beer had to be saved to commemorate our 50th beer review, and it gives us great pleasure to give this beer our first better than perfect 11 out of 10 brew review.

1 comment:

Veggie Pedaler said...

This is an adventure of a drink. Packs a punch of both bitterness and hops. Man I love this brew beyond words. Massively powerful IPA with just the right amount of flavor to counter-balance the huge amount of bitter kick.