Monday, November 5, 2007

Alaskan Brewing Co. – Smoked Porter 2007

Look: DARKNES!! with a nice, foamy nut brown head.

Taste: Initial bitter taste, smoky flavor… VERY smoky flavor! Not much hoppy ness to it, but it has faint hints of barley… that have been burnt.

Conclusion: I thoroughly enjoyed this beer, but you have to get over the smoky aspect of it. It finishes smooth and smoky, and despite its look, it is not as thick as a Guinness. I fancy it to cruising San Diego on October 23rd in a convertible. It takes over your senses in every way; it looks like smoke, tastes like smoke, and even smells like smoke. I kid you not, it you’ve ever inhaled next to a charcoal Webber you know where I’m coming from. It is initially strong with smoke, but as you walk away (put the glass down) the smoke begins to dissipate. It has a somewhat dry after taste that I found to be enjoyable - it’s a slight dry, slight smoky and slight barley mixture. A very nice finish indeed.
The label says it is a gold medal winner, and I believe it. All smoke jokes aside, this is a great beer. It is 6.5% alcohol, so it is not too strong, and you can enjoy a few pints if you were so inclined. Personally, I’d like to have another one with a nice steak off the grill… a charcoal Webber of course.
I’ve not aged a beer before, mostly because I can’t wait to drink them, but the labels says this beer is capable of being “aged”. I’d imagine that over time, the smoky ness would die down and you’d get a very smooth and even thicker beer. I don’t know for sure, but I mean to find out! I am going to buy another one and age it. Look for a re-review of this beer around the same time next year.

Over all, the complexity of this beer earns it a 7 out of 10.

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