Look: Dark golden brown, slight foamy white head
Taste: sharp, but sweet with smokey after taste
Conc: This beer was given to me by a co-worker. She didn’t know what to do with it as she does not drink pale ales. She donated it to 10-51, and I humbly accepted.
This beer is proudly brewed in Kauai, Hawaii. If you’re in the area, or planning a vacation, check them out. Its my first Hawaiian beer, and I’m tempted to see what else they have to offer.
This beer is a really good refreshing BBQ beer. It has a slight sweet aroma when poured into a glass, and the slight sweetness transfers over into the drink. On first taste, the beer is not too sharp, but has an initial kick. The hops and barley flavor come through nicely with a layered effect. You get sweet tones initially, then a nice pale kick, but it washes down with a crisp, clean finish. Them islanders sure know how to brew a good summer time brew!
I give it 7 out of 10
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