Monday, September 15, 2008

Pig Skin IPA

Look: lighter than honey color, with nice white foamy head

Taste: your typical IPA, without the blitz

Conclusion: With a name like Pig Skin IPA, I was expecting my taste buds to be sacked, or something. They were not. This is a good IPA, full flavor, and a nice balance, but it was nothing spectacular. I guess its good to have a few if the boys are coming over to watch the game and you don’t want to torture them with Buttwiper and light garbage. I guess it’s an IPA a domestic beer drinker could get into, but Im no Buttwiper drinker, so I expected a bit more.
Its still and IPA, but not one of the best. I picked it up because it is football season, and I liked the art on the label. I guess it’s a good starter IPA, if you are not accustomed to the sharp, supper bitterness of most IPAs, as its not as sharp as most.

I give it a 6 out of 10

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