Friday, March 7, 2008

He’Brew – Jewbelation Eleven

Look: Dark as sin, brown head

Taste: Sharp initial taste followed by sweet malt flavor, and a smoky finish

Conclusion: A lot of time and effort went into this beer and you can taste it. It starts you off with a nice sharp sting on your tongue, and then a semi-sweet malt wash takes over. The end result is a smoky flavor that lingers on your tongue. It hits the trifecta of taste, smell, and look very nicely.
From what I gather from the label, they elevened the hell out of this beer: 11th anniversary, 11 malts, 11 hops, 11% alcohol, it was even kosher certified by 11 rabbis... Okay, maybe not the last one, but I mean, there’s even a dial on neck of the bottle turned up to eleven!! Who does that?!
Truth be told, I bought this beer simply because I thought the label was hilarious! It’s as though they put just as much thought into the label as they did the beer itself. On the left side in small print, there is a great little spiel about the use of 11 in science, film, music and what not. It’s definitely worth a read.

I wish I could give this beer an 11 out of 10 to go with the theme, but alas, it only earns an honorary 11. It really gets a 9 out of 10.

1 comment:

Howie, Kevin, and friends said...

I would assume the bottle mentions "this is spinal tap" and their amps that go upto 11.
would love to get my hands on one