Monday, March 17, 2008

Anchor Steam Beer

Look: Amber color with little to no head

Taste: Very sharp, bitter initial taste, give way to semi-sweet malty flavor

Conclusion: This beer uses a lot of malts, and announces it proudly. It has a very distinct taste of malts, and not too hoppy. It tastes almost skunky, but its not skunky… Its hard to explain, you just have to pick up a bottle and try it out for your self. I really enjoy this beer when I can find it. In Northern California, its pretty easy to come by, as it’s a San Fran. based brewery, but in So. Cal. I tend to pick up a sixer when I come across one.
The bottle claims it is brewed almost entirely by hand with minimal machinery used - they call it a ‘traditional’ method. The name is based on a 19th century beer brewing technique that has been lost in the sands of time. Story goes, West Coast beer was called steam because the brewers used to release steam out of the kettles the beer was brewing in. This was opposed to the cold brewing techniques used on the East Coast. The hot brew method left a very distinct flavor and texture to the beer that is slightly noticeable in the new incarnation.

I give Anchor Steam a 7 out of 10

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