Wednesday, February 27, 2008

San Miguel Pale Pilsen

Look: Blond with no head… (insert own blond joke here)

Taste: Slight bitterness with a nice barley taste

Conclusion: This beer hit the spot on the hot, humid Manila, Philippines day. I had this beer on my backpacking tour of South East Asia, and it was one of the better beers I had on my trip. Don’t get me wrong, it was not the best beer I’ve had, not even the best on my trip, but for $0.50 cents a bottle, it was GREAT!
The day was so hot that they brought over a bucket with ice. We were told the locals put ice in their beer because the heat warms it to above room temperatures. When in Rome, do as the Romans do – The ice did cool down the beer, and it was flavorful enough to not taste too watered down by the time the ice melted.
Believe me when I say that this beer tasted better after every round.

I give San Miguel a 4 out of 10

1 comment:

Miss E said...

Okay, so I see you found it! Only 4 out of 10??? Aw, come deserved at least a 5!