Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Red Horse Beer – Extra Strong

Look: Blond with a light white head and an ice cube to fight off the heat

Taste: Sweet, but got more bitter with every drink.

Conclusion: While it was refreshing, it was a bit too sweet for my liking. It had a strong yeast and barley flavor that either didn’t finish fermenting/ breaking down or was thrown in late on purpose… for flavor? When I mentioned this beer to some of my friends back home, they lovingly referred to it as “Dead Horse” because of its flavor. I don’t know (nor care to know) what a dead horse tastes like, I doubt this beer compares. Dead horse takes it.
While this beer had a refreshing taste, I wonder if it was the actual beer or the heat and humidity that was getting to me. There is just nothing special about this beer that makes it stand out asside from a great nick name.

I give Dead Horse, err, RED Horse Beer a 2 out of 10

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