Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Magnolia – Tweezer Tripel (seasonal)

Look: nice light amber color

Taste: very sweet with a slight sharp bite to it

Conclusion: You guessed it, a Belgian… was it the name? I should have figured that out, but I was too buzzed to pick up on it. Oh well, duty calls, and I had to drink all six beers for your benefit. At least that’s what I told myself.
This beer was a bit too sweet for my liking. It had a very citrusy flavor, the trademark of any Belgian beer, but this one had a bit too much carbonation. The carbonation gave it the feel of drinking a strong soda, and had it not been for the light body it would have made it too hard to drink. (A thick, strong beer with a lot of carbonation does not sound too appetizing) I feel they probably cold have cut back on the carbonation in this one and allowed you to hold the beer on your tongue for a minute to savor the different fruits and spices they put in this beer, but alas.

I give this Belgian a slightly above average 6 out of 10.

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