Look: dark amber color with light cream foam head
Taste: sweet, citrus flavors through out
Conclusion: Belgians… why did it have to be Belgians… If you’ve read the blog before, you probably concluded that I am not the biggest fan of Belgian ales. This one was actually one of the better Belgians that I’ve had though. The sweet was there, but it was not overpowering. It was a seasonal brew for Strong Beer Month, so it had plenty of kick to it. So much so that you can smell the alcohol as you lift the glass to your lips. They did well to mask the strength, but you can definitely feel it taking effect.
A 7 out of 10
Taste: sweet, citrus flavors through out
Conclusion: Belgians… why did it have to be Belgians… If you’ve read the blog before, you probably concluded that I am not the biggest fan of Belgian ales. This one was actually one of the better Belgians that I’ve had though. The sweet was there, but it was not overpowering. It was a seasonal brew for Strong Beer Month, so it had plenty of kick to it. So much so that you can smell the alcohol as you lift the glass to your lips. They did well to mask the strength, but you can definitely feel it taking effect.
A 7 out of 10
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