Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Zywiec, Porter

Look: Devilish black with red outlining

Taste: Slightly bitter with roasted malt and raisin/fruit flavors

Conclusion: Well, I'm now sold on the fact that fantastic brews can come in boring bottles. The mouthfeel of this drink is lighter than a stout, like a porter should be but gradually becomes heavier at the finish. The carbonation is noticeable and pairs with the 9.5% to create a tingly sensation, almost like your tongue is going numb. But numb would mean you can't taste anything. Quite the contrary with this porter.

There are definite roasted malt and barley flavors but this Porter tasted unique and delicious mostly due to the raisin/fruit flavors that come out towards the middle and the end of the drink. I'd never had a Polish beer before but I'm defintely game to try more now. Hard to believe these guys came all this way after the screen doors on submarines. This is a superior porter.

9 Brews!

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