Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Alesmith, Anvil ESB Ale

Look: Amber with a tan foam head that lasts for days

Taste: Light mouthfeel with a wheat/yeast taste. Slight hops and mild bitterness

Conclusion: This was an interesting break from the usual. This is an Extra Special Bitter but not in the traditional form. The bitterness is more of a love bite and the predominant flavors are of barley and yeast. This is a really simple tasting brew and is pretty dang light.

The head retention is absolutely insane. I noticed that it had barely dissipated by the time I finished the entire pint(I'm not a guzzler). This would be a great easy-going summer brew. Non-offending and extremely subtle. Men let your ladies have a taste of this one if you're trying to get them into good brews.

Alesmith is a rare quality brewer in Southern California that makes awesome brews.

6 Brews!

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