Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Moylan's, Old Blarney

Look: Mohogany with a light brown silky head

Taste: Caramel malts and hops with a rich, sweet, and heavy mouthfeel

Conclusion: This is a massively brewed drink that packs 10% alcohol. It goes down thick and sweet and has aged and flavorful aromas.

This barley wine was amazingly satisfying and was just rich as could be. I'm finding I just can't hack a whole bottle of these barley wines in one sitting though. Take your time and sip this to your hearts content. Throw on the slippers, turn on a good movie and reeeeelax. A great barley wine that would be perfect as an after-meal meal. I liked this one a lot but had to take it slow, much due to the sweetness. It's like eating candy. You want to eat the whole bag, but if you do you'll be paying for it. Still delicious though...Yum!

7 Brews!

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