Friday, November 16, 2007

Stone, Double Bastard Ale

Look: Clear mahogany color with tan creamy head

Taste: A bittersweet bite initially followed by a sweet, well-rounded hoppy flavors

Conclusion: Smell this beer and you'll get a nose full of flavors and a hint of what's to come. A bittersweet initial bite is followed by a freight train of flavors. The 10% alcohol packs a punch but the creamy and delicious body of the brew will have you yearning for more.

As the back of the bottle says, "Ye shall know the bastard and the bastard shall set you free". Well put. The overpowering flavors of lovely hops are in-your-face good. Like a stick fight with Rambo, this brew will get your head spinning and leave you wondering what the hell happened. Be prepared and be strong. A behemoth of an ale that'll itch that scratch you didn't know you had.

8 Brews!

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