Sunday, September 28, 2008

Moylan's, Dragoons Dry Irish Stout

Look: Pitch black with light oak colored foam head

Taste: Roasted malt and barley. Dry finish

Conclusion: Wow. This is another small California craft brewery that pumps out the hits. This is the first dark beer of theirs I've tried and loved it.

Just a very non-offensive stout that has strong roasted malt flavor but doesn't shove it down your throat. It's very gentle, probably due to the "Irish stout" tag, and the finish is clean but still has flavor, even after the dryness sets in.

If you see any Moylan's brews anywhere do yourself a favor and grab one of them. You really can't go wrong. A very solid stout from a more than reputable brewing company, in this man's opinion.

7 Brews!

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