Friday, August 22, 2008

Golden Pheasant

Look: Nice golden color with light foamy head

Taste: Great barley taste with a slight hop bite during the finish

Conclusion: While my search for the perfect blond continues, I feel I’m getting closer; this is a very solid pilsner. This is an import beer from the Slovak Republic, and my experience with European pilsners is a good one. They know their beers, that’s for sure.

This is an ideal summer beer, as the semi-sweet barley flavor is oh so refreshing, while the slight hop finish gives it a slight change of character and adds boldness. And, at 5% ABV, you can put down a few of these refreshing brews with little hesitation. If this is the result of the pheasant that laid the golden egg, he who kills this bird deserves to burn in hell! This beer is a gift to be enjoyed by all. My only gripe is that, like most pilsners, the flavor washes away a bit too quick for my liking. I don’t know if its by design, or a result of the lightness of the beer, but its noticeable. That is the only thing that cost this beer a few points.

I give it an 8 out of 10

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