Saturday, May 3, 2008

New Belgium, Springboard Ale

Look: Cloudy urine-yellow with a lacy white head

Taste: Crisp, sweet, refreshing barley with a huge floral bouquet

Conclusion: By the number of New Belgium brews on here you'd assume I'm a large fan. Actually my regular liquor store just happens to switch their brews in and out through the seasons.

I wanted a beer my wife could enjoy too, for our anniversary weekend. By the way, if your wife desires beer instead of flowers go give that woman a kiss on the head. You have yourself a keeper. Anyway, this is a fairly strong brew(although the ABV was not listed anywhere I could find) that, like most blond ales, is crisp and light. However, the middle and finish of the brew are where it differs drastically from the norm.

New Belgium uses Chinese herbs including Gogi berries, Schisandra(I don't know what that is either) and even wormwood in the brewing process. These combine to give a savory and amazingly complex finish. My brewing compadre has it in his mind that he will someday find a superior blond. I think I may have beat him to it. This one falls right at the top of my blond list along with Phuket's. I'd prefer this one with a little warm weather but I'm positive it'd taste good in any climate. I highly recommend this extraordinary blond!

8 Brews!


Anonymous said...

I have had this beer before, and man, is it good. I dont know that its the perfect blond, but its mighty close. Its not as yeasty and skunky as Fat Tire and has a great after taste.
I didnt know they used wormwood in this brew. Good to know, its the Absinth of beers. haha

Jeremy said...

I have to agree about Fat Tire. When I moved to CO from Maryland, I was excited because I'd had it once or twice (not very easy to find then) but it is probably my least favorite Colorado beer now. They are going to start canning it soon. You guys should review that just so you can have a picture of canned beer among all the bottles.
