Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Samuel Smith's, India Ale

Look: Amber with light-brown silky head

Taste: Bitter but spice filled with a substantial hop presence

Conclusion: I had to pick this ale up from the local grocery store. This is Samuel Smith's India Ale. Basically it's a throwback to the beginnings and tradition of actual India Pale Ales. These brews were made to be more powerful in order to survive the long journey from Britain to...that's right, India! Two gold stars for you.

Our American IPAs are drastically different from this one. American IPAs tend to have that big hop charge up front and throughout the drink with a sweet, floral taste to them.

This India Ale, while definitely retaining the hop power, tastes strongly of warm spices throughout the entire drink but finishes clean. I didn't catch the alcohol content on this one but it has to be up near 7% or so. The spices are in your face and bring plenty of hops along for the ride. I'll be honest, I cater more toward the American IPA just because they're so goddamn tasty, but this one was excellent in it's own right. I'd definitely recommend a drink if you want to get an idea how actual homegrown India Pale Ale tastes.

7 Brews!

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