Monday, April 7, 2008

Hornsby’s Hard Cider – Amber Draft

Look: Amber yellow with Champaign bubbles

Taste: slightly sour with strong apple taste throughout

Conclusion: Is this a beer? Its sold in the beer section of liquor stores and they should know right? Well, I was kind of torn. I’m a cider fan. Sometimes you want a beer, but not the bitterness or blandness that comes with many of the domestic beer offerings. Cider usually comes through to fill in that craving.
Hornsby’s is a bit it a beer 101 for the unindoctrinated; those who want to have their first beer, but don’t know where to start. Cider was my first “beer” way back when and it was a great way to get started. It has a ever so slight bitter and sour bite to it that gives way to a crisp and clean apple cider taste. It has a low alcohol content, so you can easily kick back a few and not feel too drunk, but it’s 6% will sneak up on you and give you a slight buzz.
I recommend drinking ciders ice cold. The warmth of the drink will take away from the experience – and it’s a good experience to have.

I give Hornsby’s a 4 out of 10 because I am not so sure its even a beer…

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