Saturday, March 8, 2008

He'brew, Origin

Look: Cloudy but translucent brown with red glow and a Hale Berry cocoa skin colored head

Taste: Bitter with a hop filled bite and pomegranate aftertaste

Conclusion: This is labeled as an Imperial Amber Ale with a stout 8% alcohol volume. When I smelled the drink I thought I was in for a double IPA style beer and I was right. There's the strong hoppy and bitter zip but the flavor in the middle, and after the taste, are of pomegranate.

After reading the interesting label on the side of the bottle you'll be wise to the fact that the pomegranate is actually a symbol of fertility in many cultures. I realized after drinking this I hadn't had a pomegranate for years and forgot how good they are. If you've every spoiled a good shirt while eating pomegranate you'll want to check out this brew. It's such a refreshing, rich and scrumptious drink that puts a unique twist to a highly hopped beer. Fan-friggin-tastic.

9 Brews!

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