Look: Golden color, no head
Taste: Sharp, bitter initial hit that lingers for a while before finishing of with a nice mild after taste.
Conclusion: The great bitter sweet aroma of hops takes over your senses when you pour this beer into a glass. This aroma sets the stage for a refreshing beer that is tough up front, but has a softer side once you get to know it. It is not so bitter that it destroys your taste buds, but it does give them a shock with each drink. The shock dissipates with the sweet sent that you pick up in your mouth as you swallow the beer. It caught me off guard at first, but it’s a great balancing act done by the brewer to give you a fresh start after each drink.
Taste: Sharp, bitter initial hit that lingers for a while before finishing of with a nice mild after taste.
Conclusion: The great bitter sweet aroma of hops takes over your senses when you pour this beer into a glass. This aroma sets the stage for a refreshing beer that is tough up front, but has a softer side once you get to know it. It is not so bitter that it destroys your taste buds, but it does give them a shock with each drink. The shock dissipates with the sweet sent that you pick up in your mouth as you swallow the beer. It caught me off guard at first, but it’s a great balancing act done by the brewer to give you a fresh start after each drink.
I enjoyed this IPA, I give it a 7 out of 10.
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