Thursday, December 6, 2007

He’Brew Bittersweet Lenny’s R.I.P.A. (double IPA)

Look: Light brown with zero head

Taste: Hoppy, good lingering flavor, slight sweet after taste

Conclusion: This is a good, solid IPA that caught me off guard. It has a great bitter hoppy taste, that necessary sharp aroma, and a nice malty finish that lingers for a while. I was not expecting this from what I thought to be a novelty bottle. I bought this beer because I had previously purchased another He’Brew beer, and thought the clever name alone was worth donating my money to. This beer brought flavor and punch. At 10%, you will definitely be feeling its effects by the time you finish the bottle.
After pouring the beer into the glass, the smell of bitter hops over took my senses and I foresaw good things coming from this beer. Brewed in memory of Lenny Bruce, this beer certainly did him justice. Dead at 40, and brewed 40 years later, much thought went into this dedication beer, and you can taste it.
My only beef with this beer is its slight sweet flavor. That is the only thing I had to dock this beer a point for. Over all, great jest in the label (I recommend you read the small print on the side), great care in brewing its contents, and a great beer to celebrate a breweries 10th anniversary and a dead man’s 40th anniversary.

I give this beer a solid 8 out of 10
(If you are wondering, yes, it is kosher certified by a Rabbi)

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