Friday, December 7, 2007

Bear Republic, Hop Rod Rye

Look: Maroon/brown with light tan, foam head

Taste: Lots of hops, subtle fruit flavors, and a light rye finish

Conclusion: This is basically an 8% packed double IPA brewed with rye. To be exact, it's brewed with 18% rye. You first get the strong punch of hops that's expected with a double IPA, but there's a twist! It finishes with a slightly dry rye flavor. But don't start imagining a rye sandwich, it's not even close to that dry. It has a nice drink that's certainly not smooth, but look at the label, this brew wasn't mean to caress your taste buds.

I've had this one after an exhausting bike race and, oh man, did it hit the spot. It's a hearty beer that I just keep coming back to again and again. I'm crazy for double IPAs and this is one of the better ones out there.

8 Brews!

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