Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hofbrauhaus – Hefeweizen

Look: light orange, cloudy with little to no head

Taste: I tried the beer with no lemon first and it had a strong citrus flavor with strong hints of orange/ tangerine. I then squeezed a wedge of lemon juice into it and dropped the wedge in the glass. The lemon cut the orange citrus flavor and made the beer that much more enjoyable.

Conclusion: On a hot summer day, I can see myself put a few of these babies away. I’m not one to fruit the beer, but the lemon did wonders for this beer. Every drink was like a cool summer breeze blowing through your mouth and over your tongue. Ah, to be lying in a hammock on the beech with a cold bottle of this hef. paradise in deed.
It should also be noted that this beer is brewed the to the specifications of the German Beer Purity Laws.

I give this beer a cooool 7 brews out of 10

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