Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Belhaven, Wee Heavy Scottish Ale

Look: Scottish Red, with a light tan head

Taste: Initial bitter bite followed by roasted malt and barley flavors with just the slightest hint of sweetness

Conclusion: Okay, after getting a little hooked on Scottish ales this past week I was expecting a creamy smooth and sweet drink. Not here. This ale has an initial bitter kick like and stout and, wait a minute, even has the roasted malt flavor like a stout. There's an edge of sweet there that's just barely noticeable.

This is like a stout in Scottish Ale's clothing. A really odd taste. It smells like it's going to be sweet but takes you off guard with the stout like attributes and with it's dry finish. Pretty interesting but I wasn't a big fan of this one. The back of the bottle says this is "a beer to be sipped, savoured and fully respected". Hey, sorry Belhaven but you gotta earn respect where I'm from! This was a really interesting taste but I just didn't care for it ultimately. Just too odd for me.

4 Brews!

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