Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Orkney Brewery, Skullsplitter Orkney Ale

Look: Rich amber brown, with wheat colored head

Taste: Thick, heavy mead tasting brew with complex flavors and a slight hint of fruit

Conclusion: This was an 8.5% alcohol equipped brew that was named after Thorfinnn Hausakluif(good look pronouncing that), 7th Viking Earl of Orkney around 1000 A.D. The Orkneys are a group of Islands off the north coast of Scotland. Helluva name to live up to but it did it with flying colors.

The texture is really thick with a smooth mouthfeel that's so reminiscent of a barley wine. But this is no hoity toity barley wine. This tastes like it was made by vikings for vikings. The beverage of choice for village pillagers everywhere! And if it's not it should be. There is an array of flavors throughout the tasting that is damn hearty and just so delectable you want to get a knife and fork and eat some more. Quite simply one of the best ales I've come across. Hard to find but most definitely worth the search.

9 Brews!

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