Monday, December 1, 2008

Budweiser American Ale

Look: bright brick red with a foamy white head


Taste: Light, but not too bitter. Nice roasted flavor with a hint of grape.


Conclusion: I know, I know, all the shite talking we do about Buttwiper on this blog, and here you are reading a review of a Bud beer. I must say, I was duped into trying this beer by the commercial, and my love for brown ales. Well, I wont lie just to save face and say its an awful beer… I liked it. I liked it a lot!

            It has a very light and refreshing mouth feel, but had a strong roasted barley flavor that lingers long after drinking. It was a very solid ale that you can compare to most any other ale you find.


I give Bud American Ale a solid 7 out of 10

(I cant believe I wrote that... 7?! Buttwiper?!)

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