Saturday, October 11, 2008

Maui Brewing, Coconut Porter

Look: Deep dark brown with red tint. Foamy small brown head that smells faintly of coconut

Taste: Bitter initially followed by toasted barley flavor

Conclusion: Porters never seems complicated to me. They really all seem to taste similar with the toasted barley flavor throughout. Sure there are ones better than others and thankfully this was better than average.

Food and/or fruit flavored beers really seem to bit hit or miss with me and nowhere in between. This one has the classical porter roast flavor...almost coffee-like, but there is an ever-so-soft coconut undertone throughout the tasting. This interesting little concoction won a gold medal at the international beer awards so show it some respect. Bow to your master! My beer reviewing friend and I spotted this during a lunch time beer run at the local liqour mart and I pulled the trigger the next time I saw it. Sure glad I did. This is easily one of the best Porters I've had.

8 Brews!

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